Concierge Services

Looking for a psychotherapist who will work around your schedule?

Perhaps, much of your time is taken by work, family obligations, and social engagements and it is difficult to find time for your appointments. Mindful Thrive Therapy offers a complete customizable package of Concierge Services for clients who require treatment outside of the traditional office setting.

Why Concierge Services?

Concierge Services provides you with the support and help needed in the luxury of your home, office, or any other location of your choice whenever necessary, even on evenings and weekends. 

The benefits of this service includes flexible scheduling and greater access to your therapist while you save time and maximize your privacy.  

This service will assist you in your personal growth and emotional wellbeing and will give you a sense of comfort with open access to your therapist when you need help via priority scheduling, and unlimited contact via text, phone, and email. You will be able to consult with your therapist on your own schedule and receive quick responses when you have something pressing on your mind, at the time of unexpected problems or crisis, or a situation that demands immediate attention. Mindful Thrive Therapy offers Individual and Couples Therapy, as well as, Pre-Marital Counseling and Life Coaching.

Concierge services is an exclusive lifestyle management solution for your mental health needs as an integrative approach to treatment, which might otherwise be limited by typical in-office therapy.  Mindful Thrive Therapy offers limited number of concierge packages at each time. For more information, please call Ava Shokoufi at 818-667-4334.

Concierge Service Packages:

Concierge packages are ideal for those whose lifestyle, schedule or specific needs require flexible and personalized care. This services provides you the support and help needed in the luxury of your home, office, or any location you choose, whenever necessary, even on evenings and weekends. The benefits of this service include flexible scheduling and greater access to your therapist while you save time and maximize your privacy.  

Concierge monthly packages:

  • Fee: $250/50 minutes session

  • Fee: $350/90 minutes

  • Fee: $900 for 4 sessions/50 minutes each

  • Fee: $1,700 for 8 sessions/50 minutes each

Typical therapy sessions are 50 minutes in length. Sometimes, a longer session is more beneficial for new clients, couples, or when clients have more complicated cases or crisis. Mindful Thrive Therapy provides the highest quality of support you need toward healing and emotional well-being. For more information, please call Ava Shokoufi at 818 - 667 - 4334.

Want to get started? Click here to request a Free 30 minute consultation.